I am Raymond (Ray) Ellis Grimm and I would like to welcome you to...
Gym With Grimm
You will get the best prison workout on the planet! You will get your cardio in by running and hiding from me. I will stalk you and threaten to kill you, just like I did my own children! I am really happy my parole officers do not test me for the use of illegal steroids.
To read about how I got my first 5 felonies when I threatened to kill my family, including my children, click here and use the Criminal Search tab and enter my name when directed...
To read about my stalking charge in another county, click the button below. This got my probation for threatening to kill my kids revoked. I plead guilty to this but just couldn't control my impulses and went after my victim again. Once again, click on the Criminal Search tab and enter my name when directed...
You can email me by pressing this button...